Don't put personal transformation on the backburner
Certain life choices are so significant they change who we are.
Art of Gems marks these turning points with tangible reminders
to keep moving forward – even when it feels like
everything is against you.
Invest in the transformative power of jewelry.
Our one-of-a-kind pieces honour women whose lives are in transition.
They act as a touchstone to help you connect with your resolve.
My jewelry symbolizes renewal; a talisman urging you to believe in yourself.
Live your truth ~ rediscover yourself ~ find courage to make a change.
Fine artisanal jewelry that celebrates your personal transformation.
“It’s never too late to become who you were meant to be.”

When a Major Life Change Upends Your Sense of Self
(Harvard Business Review - January, 2022)
“The people we interviewed expressed a strong need for something that symbolically represented the end of a chapter in their life. See if you can define a moment that can be imbued with significance…Simply recognizing a specific moment as a divider between the past and the present.”

Stop waiting for "someday"
We all tell ourselves that “someday” we will pursue a life that truly makes us happy. We'll
take that trip abroad, write that letter to "someone special”, move to the coast, or pursue that dream job. As days become weeks, we are overcome by obligations and paralyzed by fear. We tell ourselves we will work it out "some other time”. But eventually you come to realize: It's now or never.
But change isn’t easy. People around you may act as though they “know better" what is best for you.
It may be what is easiest for them, or makes them feel better about their choices. They may belittle your goals, or tell you it will be too hard. They may say you're crazy. They may even threaten to withdraw their respect.
It took my parents passing away to finally commit to learning to design jewelry. That process took years.
I put money down on a tiny but beautiful workshop in the Rocky Mountains, and left home to study design at the Gemological Institute of America. I had to go all in. So, when I talk about the price of personal transformation, it’s not a catchphrase. I’ve been there.
Honour your promise to yourself
​Don’t listen to the naysayers. Trust yourself. Change is not easy. Yes, you will feel self-doubt; you may feel like an imposter. It won't be easy. But if you have the opportunity to change your life, don’t let fear hold you back. And hang on to whatever it is that helps you make the leap.
Art of Gems jewelry is for every woman who’s felt compelled to chase a dream, not knowing how it might turn out. It’s for every woman who has put her faith in a higher power, and embarked upon her own vision quest. It’s for every woman who feels compelled to take a risk. Let Art of Gems jewelry proclaim to the world that you are grabbing the reins and moving forward.
Find your piece today